Here is a small taste of the wildlife you can encounter when heading out on Jessy of Adrigole

Local Wildlife
Humpbacks and Other Whales
These incredible mammals frequent the West Cork and Kerry coast. Ireland’s marine mammals are some of the largest creatures on the planet and for a few months of the year some of them come close enough to the inshore waters. On Jessy of Adrigole we can spend a few very special moments in the company of these magnificent creatures. Even though these animals do come close to land they still can be some distance offshore and getting to them may involve long treks out to sea. Sea state can be unpredictable out here so strong stomachs are required.

Local Wildlife
Puffins & Other Sea Birds
These beautiful sea birds are found in abundance nesting and feeding on the kerry coast in May and June. One of the delights of the Cork and Kerry coast is the great variety of seabirds and in early summer the region is host to some of the largest nesting colonies in the world. The un-grazed islands are ablaze with flowers and colour. This trip will get you up close and personal with many of the avian marine wildlife of the area and we get a birds-eye view from the sea watching gannets, guillemots, puffins, razorbills and many other species ferry food back to their nests. If possible we dinghy ashore to visit some of the remotest spots.

Local Wildlife
Dolphins and Fin Whales
Common Dolphins, Porpoise love to come and play on the bow as jessy glides along by the power of sail. As the season wains the whales move south and the Dolphins, with bellies full, become as playful as ever. Here we enjoy some great scrambles over the uninhabited Islands, exploring the ruins of old famine villages and take a longer hike around some of the larger islands. Of course all the time we are on the look out for some mega fauna.

Local Wildlife
Basking Sharks
End of may is a good time to see these gentle giants, though they stay with us throughout early summer. Ireland’s west coast is home for a few months each year to an increasing number of one of the largest species of shark and the most gentle of oceanic creatures. Early season brings these magnificent creatures up from warmer waters to feed on the prolific spring plankton bloom and they can often be seen in large numbers skimming the waters just below the surface, with their huge gaping mouths open sifting their prey.

Local Wildlife
There is a resident colony of around 30 seals in Adrigole Harbour, mainly consisting of Common Seals and a few Grey Seals. They have a distinctive different look. The Grey Seal has a larger more bulbus head, while the Common Seal is often considered the ‘cuter’ looking of the two.
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NOTE: (our booking service supplier adds a small booking fee)