We have put together some standards to ensure we are sailing covid smart.

We have put together some standards to ensure we are sailing covid smart.
Crew are asked to complete a sailing questionnaire asking a series of questions on covid contact and personal health.
- Have you experienced any of the following symptoms over the past 14 days?
- Cough, Fever, High temperature, Sore throat, Runny nose, Breathlessness or flu like symptoms.
- Have you been diagnosed with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infection in the last 14 days ?
- Are you a ‘close contact’ of a person who is a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19 in the past 14 days? (ie. Less that 2m for more than 15 minutes accumulative in 1 day)
- Have you been advised by a doctor to self-isolate at this time?
- Have you been advised by a doctor to cocoon at this time?
We are currently following the following guidelines on board (these may change as government and Irish Sailing recommendations and guidelines are updated …
- Sailors carry their own personal small hand sanitiser
- Boat will have sanitiser on deck, below deck and in the heads.
- Request the wearing of buffs (neck scarfs) that can be pulled up quickly and easily if 2 sailors find themselves within 2 meters of another sailor in a physically straining situation.
- The boat will be cleaned thoroughly before you board.
- All crew (and skipper) will clean their hands and surfaces regularly.
- Seating at mealtimes to on deck and if the weather doesn’t not permit this, then well spaced out in the saloon.
- No going ashore to busy areas (i.e. bars, restaurants).
- A respect for each other’s space
- If a sailor should become ill during the sail, they report it immediately to the skipper and they will be brought ashore and for collection by land to be arranged.
- Wear your own sailing gear where possible,
- Have your own water bottle for drinking
- A labled mug will be made available and allocated to each sailor for the duration of the trip or bring your own keep cup.
- Any personal waste should be disposed of securely in your own refuse bag in the cabin or in the heads swing bin.
- Jessy will not sail if the weather is shows a forecast of high winds that will put the boat at any kind of risk or put the sailors in a position that will likely lead extreme difficulties to socially distance.

(sorry NOT the coffee machine is not on board, but we do have a lovely steel cafetia and real coffee on board :))